I’ve decided to do short series on movie posters as the basis for the next several mosaics. These images have lots of color and very interesting lines and curves. What could be a better movie to start than Soylent Green? IT’S PEOPLE! TWITTERMOSAIC IS PEOPLE!!!
Original Poster:
Mosaic (IT’S PEOPLE!!!):
You can click to see the full thing. It weighs in at 870 KB.
There are about 1800 unique tiles. The names are listed below:
1389, _AnGeL_, _Brooke_, _EL_, _HotFish, _kit_, 190east, 1co, 1god, 244mix, 2bctnd, 2of7, 2shy, 30ryo, 33pro, 3mz, 5OH7, 701u, 72circles, 78g, 7diane, A_Girl_Called_Kill, a0960342213, a1mega, a950063, aagblog, aaiBoek, aanova, Aardvark, aaronpanasbodi, abersparky, abevigoda, abfly, aBlueSky, absolutegaogao, Accha, aclark, AcmePhoto, AcousticLEX, actiondatsun, actwell, acydlord, Ada_Chow, adawen, adinb, admarchetti, adobeted, adrants, adriapolis, Adrias, aerichard, afef, aficiomaquinas, agc, Agility, agjimenez, AguaSanta, Airrun, Ajamuk, AjeH, ajktwit, aka_aus_pd, akame, Akasame, akela64, akelatal, akiakatsuki, Akira1980, akirafukuoka, akishichiroji, akita_kia, Akiyah, akno, alangutierrez, AlanLB, albani, Aldo_MT, ale2000, AlecTownes, aleighanne, aleko, aleks2401, aleksoft, alesjahiro, alex15, alexanderhayes, alexaoi, alexdeleon, Alexfluxx, Alexis_Murda, alexius, alexj, alexksso, alfonsojimenez, aliasbob, Alice_s_eyes, alist, alitosan, aljuk, alkemis, AllAxisAjay, allebara, allgreen, allikazoo, Allina, AlmostaGeek, alpha_zero, alphabunny, alrevez, AlTheSpook, AluminiuM, alvaromagico, alvaroprb, alvarouribe, AlxSavage, amachang, Amaga, amandachapel, amandaegge, amandageddon, amateria, ambient_samurai, amellie, amethystmenace, ameva3, ami, amin, AmishSteve, amizhang, aMmadz, amnesiak1978, amonterc, amoration, amsterdamant, Amsville, amy001104, AnamCara, Anchi, andi_B, andie343, andiesmith, andrae, andreahelene, andreaki, andrew987, andrewcilento, andrewpickett, androm, andyb56, andycaster, andycyca, andytn, anelsonjr, AngelaTheGreat, AngelEyes, AngelFangs, AngeloSu, Angie0505, angied, Angmar, angryzenmaster, anibal_k, Anicka, Animal, anitacocktail, anitamartini, ankoumaycry, Ankur, AnnaB, annahuang, Annene, annievenenosa, annin102, anno, AnnOhio, AnotherMaria, anouke, antidis, antigravity, antiheroine, antithetical, antolo, Antygon, apecsydney2007, apelad, apotheos, aqulos, araleps, Arathaur, Arcier, Arena_Santiago, ares2000, Aretao3d, arfaxad, argylesocks, arica, ariedana, aristopicchio, arite, AriX, arlodesign, Armageddon, armchairgeek, arnault, arndjan, arquail, arricivita, arroba, artemary, Artofpaint, arubenstein, arwen1616, asada_santohei, asca2, aseppala, aserbonich, ashet, ashleydc, AshLP, AshTR, ashwithrox, asi_san, Asimon, aslamp, assinkj, astroboy, asuka, asyurahime, atlcelebrity, AtlRollergirls, atmasphere, atsmatsumoto, Attitude, atwookie, atypicalsnowman, Atzimba, aubkabob, audio, audiomarketing, auer1816, auntybody, aurey09, Authoress, Autocoaching, automatic, autumm393, Avrom, awabihiko, AwatakeTakahiro, awilkinson, awnisALAN, ayaskant, Ayries, aysoon, ayustety, b_konrad, b2ou6hty, babele_dunnit, babydoll, backbeat, backfisch0815, badapple, badassturtle, badbadivy, badcolm, BadDad, badtmy, Bagadonuts, bahaw, bakerappa, Bakkel, Bakla, baldguyshow, ballistik, banannie7, bancho, baratunde, Barbidure, barbiebergamo, barchtta, baritsu, bart234465, baseballboy828, Bash, bashof, bassguy, Bastet, Basti_S, Batssweepingair, bb0868, bbluesman, bbulman, beagooddad, beaker133, BeautyRiche, beauxmots, beckster, beckxy, bedhead_newall, beebo_wallace, bego, BenjaminQu, benlatrobe, berenice, berkleebassist, berniesworld, BerryCoco, beseaLane, betan, betsyweber, bgiltner, Bhaart, bhell13, bi0xid, bibliotech, BigFreaky, bigjim, bigkity, bigratsgoboom, bigtanky, bigwig, Bikini, Bilawal, BillAlexander, BILLHAFT, billrafferty, binderodaemons, birdman, Birdrillard, bitcoder, BlackendRoseThn, blacktar, BlastWidgets, blawgalicious, bldngnerd, bleu, BleuCaldwell, bloggersblog, Bloggo, blogsperu, blonde20, blondie1405, blookins, blowfish, Blu, BluesBro, BlueTeddy, blurr, Blusfumato, blutarsky82, bobbysavage, bobm512z, bodyvisual, bogomo, boink, bokura, bongole, Boogiepanda, book_blog, book686, boozerpro, bopper, BoredMind, bostonsteamer, boukokudb, bowlofcheese, braddd, brainofrox, brainopera, brainsmatter, bramhilgersom, branchiopoda, bravegirl, BrC, BreakingNewsOn, BreezeDebris, BrentIrwin, Brero, brett, brettporter, Bri_Tatt, briandewitt, brianhorn, bronwynr, broohaha, bruceboughton, brucery, bryan, bryanking, bryanl, bsaitz, btc_toku, btocher, bube, bubu1uk, BUCKETCorey, BuffaloRising, bullytheLSB, Bumi, bump, bunny_modern, burningprairie, burrito19, bushra, BusouTamachan, busymom6, buta_subuta, ButterNutJelly, BuzzFeed, BViolet, bwong, byconstance, ByJane, bykyc, bylunch, byndpdcstng, bytehead, c525600, cafeaulait, caffeined, caffination, cafistar, caives2004, CajunTechie, Calbee, CaleM, call1g, callkathy, calmiguori, calon, Calvero, cameijei, camellia, CameoDawn, camkin, CampfireMike, Cand, candycat, captainmidget, cardsagogo, careyheal, caribou, carineolivia, carloscaicedo, carlosfusa, carolinekorsten, Carr13221, casasroger, casastorta, casspuffy, castor, cat3, catenerve, catepol, CatnipToy, cattias, caymansite, cazaroonie, Cazzle, cbee, cc_chapman, ccarfi, ccwii, Cecilec, ced, cedorsett, CedricD, Ceedee, Celi, cesarius, cesars, cgardner, cgcampillo, chacopen, chaturanga, chavatore, Cheavor, cheeko, ChefMark, chellyduck, chelpixie, Cheney, cherryPink, cherylcolan, chette, ChicaK, chicco, chicheh_qt, chico, chikache, chinaski, ChIqUi_0909, Chisa_Miw, chochua, chocomoo, CHoge, choisirtoujours, Cholie, choochus, Choppps, ChoralScholar, Chris24, chrisdodd, chrislerch, chrisnixon, chrispirillo, chrisrbailey, Chrissie_m, christian1021, Christianarchy, ChristianTheDoc, christinadalton, ChrisVanPatten, ChrisWarren, chriswsw92, Chuckumentary, chuise, churakko, chutayorozu, chutry, CindyB, cinemafreak, cinemaminima, cinevegas, cishanjia, citymuse, cj_mills, CJavan, cjtengi, clari_clyde, clarita82, cleaner, clearheart, cliffordsound, clipeuh, clipmarks, clxybell, cmm1869, coaster1robert, CoconutRyo, CodeJedi, Codepope, CoeCoe, cogentdiversion, coha, colba, coldgin, comachibie, comedian, comicbase, commecadujapon, commie, compEyes, computers, compwoman, conej, conejo, conniereece, contrastpodcast, coolcatteacher, CoreyPud, corpus_ct, CorySorice, cote_, coumedayu, countess_mc, Court, covaner999, Craig_W, CraigN, craniac, CrazyKika, CreativeSage, Creativethirst, Crickee, CrisisCris, crispydragon, Critt, Critter, Crouka, cryptovenom, crysora, crystalstayton, cshreiner, cswilly, ctb, ctsonline, cub, Cucharete, CuddlyColin, cummingsl, cunningminx, Curiosa, CUVOTA, cwsaylor, Cyberbougnat, cyberespia, Cyberjuan, CyberMJ75, Cybersoc, cyberworld, Cygnusia, cylindrian, cynfusion, Cythro, czgab, d_k, da404lewzer, DaddyOh, daduhmainee, dagdamfyno, dagomazoro, dahowlett, daisuke, daisylilly, daiusami, dakegra, Dakiny, dallasfreeman, DaMarChis, dame, damex, Damiana, dancinjul, Dani_Buddy, daniel_voicu, daniele3957, danieledm, danielmorrison, danielphillip, DanielTome, daniminas, danivlayar, danmacht, dapoohda, dariogallo, darios, DARKMARATHON, DarkTetsuya, DarleneButts, darth_mall, darthlaurian, data, DaveLaMorte, davewashere, David_W, davidex, davidfinch, davidgrove, davidhogg, DavidHowell, davidlambert, davidleeking, davidorban, Davidous, davidsn, davorg, daxumaming, Dayngr, daysgoon, Dbomb252, DBPNonline, DBS, dc0de, dcb97, dccrowley, DCmusicfusion, dcolanduno, dcwriterdawn, DDog, deadeyes, DeathAxe, debolsillo, decjr, dedy, deepspeed, deew27, def_shteph, definitelymaybe, dekrazee1, delineas, Delish_Trish, DeltaBunny, DElyMyth, democracy2_0, denisdanis, derektherock42, derekw, derickson, derriere, desaturated, Desdemina, designworks, desiReee, deusdiabolus, dev0000, DevalPatrick, DevilBlueDress, devinjay, dextrizzle, dfk1, dgblackout, dhewlett, dialect, diandrawr, dickey, diegocammarata, Digiguru, digiscrapmom, digitalArtvark, digitalbear, dilettantekris, discoflamingo, dislp38, div_conspiracy, Dixi, djackmanson, djasmith, Djezer, DJosephDesign, djsnipa1, dkawalec, dlangendorf, dlayphoto, DLPerry, dmbsarah, dmedina, dmotion, DobleD, DocSynth, doctor_gonzo, DoctorMonique, doctorvee, Dogfaeries, Dogwood, DoK, dokon, Dolphy, domat33f, DomenicY, don_panse, DoneZone, donkey20, donkeyword, donshades, donzy, dormouse, dotboom, dotndash, doubleaf, doudemoii, DougH, douglasbass, douglasgottlieb, dougward, doutee, downloadsquad, dpoke852, Dr_Frunk, Dr_Pill, Dra_Kleine, dragomac1, dragon9, Dramagirl, drandakis, DraStudio, dreamlandind, DrErnie, drewdomkus, drewolanoff, drikin, drinkgoodtea, drjones42, drjsp173, drmkng, droolingmonkey, drtask, druaga, druid42, drumfactor, dsloys, dssolveinlove, dstan, dtw1995, dubaonamix, duckn, dungkal, dustinj, duvalin, DuXtin, Dycacian, Dzzjjj, EaonP, EastsideBiz, eazie, ebrito, echolalia, echolink, eclair, eco2001, ed_x, Eddypedro, edenza, edgizmo, EdiYokota, Edroos, edstace, eduardo96beav, edwin761, edwinv, eersahin, efrain, ehan, ehooton, eiei_ooh, eilla, Einsamkeit, ejfisher, ekp, eladyland, ElBueno, elemitrt, elenac, Elenasinh, elgeffe, elgolfo, elishebha, elizabethhelz, elmare, elmorsa, eloehfelm, eloyola, elqudsi, elsamurai, elwandab, Emilio_M, emiwee, Emm, EmmaLeigh, EmperorAnton, emzanotti, energyBLOG, engineheart, enmdo, entropik, epalacios, epalomeque, epodcaster, epredator, equinox79, ErbVillage, erikstripparo, erikuma, erincarter, erinslibrary, ERK, erlend, ernohannink, erraggy, Erromango, erykaj, escapist, EsponV, estebanperez, esteinar, estragon, estrategy, euri, evacabrera, evandeaubl, evansims, evasofia, Evelyn, Eveting, evilcutiepie, evilelement, evn, Evorgleb, ewa4618, Exena, Exilein, Exor, extramegane, extremesenior, Extremo, exurbanexile, Eyebee, eyelash840, faithlesskat, fallenseraph, fangrrl, FANLESS, faroffplanet, farouqtaj, Fashiontribes, Fatty, fauer99, fb_a14, fba, fbueno_net, fdev, febake, feinsinn, felicia, felipenunez, Felisse, felixker, ferds, ferhmo, fernand0, fetisha, fidaabbott, fidelio, fidgety, fidjissimo, fifnel, file_604, filmsnob, Firstpenguin, firwgn7, fisch, fitnfun007, FiZ, fjkktkys, fjmoto, fla, flag75, flasher, flashmech, flatage, fleep, flickguy, float, Florian_, floyd, floyduk, flueke, flutterby3, Flyswatter, fn7, foobaar, foodmomiac, foolishisms, forcode, fordee, foreveremma, FoRTu, Fotomaf, foulbastard, Fournelo, fran_albarn, FranckLassagne, frankarr, freakscity, Fredegre, fredosan, frelkins, FrikiTV, frill, frivmo, frozentruth, fshin2000, fuelmyblog, fuji406, fujicco, fujikosan, fujimaki, fujinoki, fujitsuki, fulltimecasual, Fully, funcoder, furina1975, Futoshi, fuyoh, gabrielleadams, gabrielmansour, gagneeric, GAJUU, gaku, GAL_TONKATSU, GalaxyGoo, GamerAndy, Gandhu, gao, gaooh, gaoshier, gar_cia, GaragePunk, Garry_Punter, garyking, gash26, GaTechSavvy, gavowan, gaytheologian, GBBarnacles, gboy, gdunn, GearLive, Geek_Kittie, geekaren, geekparrot, genel, Genuine, germen, gervis, gerwitz, geuro, ggarfield, ghbrett, ghosting, ghostparticle, Ghoulash, giallo, giancarlo, Giania, Gilchrist, Giligowla, gillilandboy, gingermiller531, giovanni, giropa832, gisiger, GitaNurani, giulietta, Givitago, giza, gkojax, GlennaEnna, glitchkitty, glitter_gnome, gnb, GnomeRage, gnumadic, goblinbox, googoltwn, Greybeard, hartamadona, HighDef, horrabin, huguito, HuitZiloP, Imnotaduck, IndieFlix, isopixel, jazzychad, jenternational, jerobins, jhonycogollo, jillsodt, joakime, johnedwards, jorg, jorgeandresito, junkdnafiction, Jupe, kambel, Kaptuz, keephead, Kialaya, kmakice, kraebsli, kryan70, ksonney, ladycrumpet, Larry_Pixel, lastsuperpower, lbroekman, leavemealone347, levasseur08, LisaMaree, lisaw, livingfrisbee, LouiZoot, LovelyFatLady, luge, maggie_be, manfrys, MAREXdesign, marksees, MdLawLib, Merlinn, migpwr, MimiSyaka, mjantzi, mwidmann, naterkane, NatoNeutron, nbr, Nilros, nisti2, nonie, okokitsme, ONEContest, onklr, ooObiubiuOooo, Opaq, otsune, Overshard, pabloaltclas, parakmh, pepa, Peppery, pglyman, philapple, philmang, PressAbout, prettyfreckles, programwitch, PurplePwete, ra_tigan, rabidrobot, Rachelskirts, radamantis, RadHertz, raee, raein, raena, rafamontoya, Rafeo, raitu, raj712, rakeem, ral, ramblinthoughts, ramcosca, ramipas, ramon_rivera, randelaw, randolfom, randomreviewer, RandomTroy, Randou, randrade, Randy_Thomas, randyoick, RaseriSjel, Rash3l, rathersurf, raulandres, Ravana, ravendiva, RawSushi, RayS, raython, rcopeh, RebeccaInMelb, ReBeckyMX, rechal, RED555, reddognight, redefining, rednerrus, Redrag, redragon, redsoxcast, redstar23, redwedge, ReepPT, reign4aday, rein, reishiina, RemBeatZ, renice, repserc, restlessecstasy, reversecowgirl, Reves, rexsan, RexyInc, rhadaway, richi, Richie52, RichSPK, richstyles, rickcurran, RickdeKikker, rickmahn, Ridgerunner, rikaizm, rikimae, riku, rikwuts, rikyrasca, Rinchei, ringo134, ringoo, rizzn, rjgf, rjorgenson, rjpowell, rjsmith608, rmckillo, rna_bed, roadup, robat, robbyedwards, robertnelson, robfindlay, robincarlton, robneville73, robschendel, roc21, rtDIRECTOR, sanakan, Sander_75, sandieman, sandtree, SanNakji, saporterfl, Sarebok, sarika, sarkera, Sarterus, sasakipochi, sass, SatiricPacifist, saxdiva, sayakana, SayAnythingDebe, SayAnythingJen, sblanco, sca1, scanner_darkly, Scheer, Schmult, schuyler, scifilaura, scm, scmiran, Scobleizer, scolford, scommunity, scoopie77, scor24pio, scottcate, scottiesky, Scottix, scottstead, SD_dejavu, Sea_Jackal, seanoliver, seanote, seco, SecondLifeUsers, secretcameraman, seekground, seekhim17, Seiko_Udoku, seizetheday, sejomagno, Sekvens, Selbelina, Selene, Selkt, selliebee, selshout, senmu, serafaery, serena, Serif, Serra, sevenrosie, Sezwee, SFEley, sfgabe, shane, shika, sic, Sjint, skram, smallduck, snazzit, sniegas, snojoex, snowgoose, snowsirensing, snsn9pan, soapinmama, sodamachine, SOKEY, solnaranja, solomon71, somacow, SomaCowGeoff, SomersetBob, SomewhatNoisy, Sonikcycle, sonmica, sonsun, soopa, soosan, sophistishe, soth83, SouthernPirate, soviet_ninja, soviet_star, soyxana, spaceguy, SpaceyG, Spades, spanner, sparklette, speechmom, SpeedOfDark, spiderqueen, spinule, spiritpine, Spitje, splee, spleffy, Spock, spxds, srta, srternasco, ssg, sssssscott, st3phen, stark, startledbunny, stauziede, Stefigno, stelabouras, stepanov, stephliu, stephwebster, StereoAlliance, stereotape710, sternie, stevegarfield, stevenvanwel, stevepurkiss, steveray, stevewhitaker, stewbagz, stewtopia, stilldavid, stockwellb, storiedime, stormbtc, storyville, stoweboyd, StrikerObi, Studdeddenim, suadd, suave_su, subcircle, sugarytea, suishoo, sumotv, SunkIsland, sunniwendi, SunnyC, sunnystarr, superdry, Sura, susanreynolds, suVene, suzaku, suzukinasake, Svumpukkel, swanlike, Sweeet, sweetcorazon, sweetgirlsugar, sweetpeas, sweetpoison, swords, sxyblkmn, syaki, Sylvia638, symbi0se, Symour, Synapse, Syo_tan, syoh_xxx, T_Nishi, tabuchid, tacke, Tad, Tadaki, taga110, tagedge, tagmos, takagiyu, takahiromashiko, takanakanao, takanakata, Takari27, Take2_host1, takerui, takuman, takuya0301, talkingtomyself, talpa, tamar, TamK, tanaby, tangi, tanigon, taniq, TanteS, taper, tapuo, tara_kelly, tatoeba, tatsuya, taughnee, Taxaki, tcaruth, TE, techchickblogr, techkitten, technosailor, teckie, teenidol_12, Teevio, teko, tekusuke, telene, telesilla, tellvivi, temo, Tempest, TemporalSoldier, tendrel, tenyjr, Tere_Tere, terminal, teroyming, TerryBain, Terrywson, tet3, tewmgd, texantiff, teyityan, tfunato, thabenksta, thadius, The_Barnut, the_butterfly, theamichrist, TheBeast, TheBlackFin, thecarol, thecommonpeople, thedak, TheDeadlyBishop, thedespair, TheDiva, TheDSK, TheEducatedFool, TheFlyingMonkey, thegreenhead, theH, thehun, TheKisho, TheMadGnome, themak, TheMav, theMisterG, theothermeat, thepolishtwin, theradiostopped, therearenorules, TheRevolutionUS, TheSatch, TheScreen, TheSenator, TheSwi, TheVerve, thicke, ThickShyMamita, ThinGuy, thinkfuture, ThomasaKempis, ThoughtSparks, thrashr888, Thuraya, Thymeless, tiffanybbrown, tigerbeat, TikiGirl, TimKing, timshadel, timwoolsey, Tineke, Tinu, tirana, Tjardick, Tjoff, tkbalt, tkmr, tkmrDoro, tknv, tkyyhk, tmas68, tmcamp, tmiller, tmo, tmorton1111, tnolte, tobsoya, tobybryans, toddcarruth, toddkelley, tokky, tokyomxblogtv, tombiro, TomBolini, TomComputer, tomdecouttere, tomit, tomity, tomiwk, Tommaso, tommy_io, tomo1966, tomoharu, tomstar3000, ton3, tontowilliams, tonyonahole, tonywu, toonfisch, topgold, toppachaps, topstartup, Tora1014, torawo, torgorama, tortoiseshelly, toshi_99, Toshiro719, tosimaki, totalimmoral, totobook2, totoon, toturou, Toughbird, touka, TPMulatto, traaidmark, tracysheridan, TraderZed, Traeonna, TrafficMike, trapstar, treeee, trentono, Treofrog, Treogermany, treotime, trib, trina, trispad, Tristy, trodrigues, Troi, Trojan_Warrior, trojanavenger, Trooper, tsmith, tsuki, tsumoi, TulipSwallow, tumakeso, tunakichi, Tunis, turedure_sado, turoczy, Twendy, twila_zoned, twink8686, Twinkie, twitterbowlen, twitterscott, twittown, twochains, twosheds1000, Tydna, tyler_d, typester, tyusingura, TZA, ubertech, ubuntu2007, uglyhill, ugnews, uiallalla, UK_plus, UKParliament, uky, Ulises, umairsalam, Umazura, umquat, Umweltyeti, UncleFester, undone, unl33t, unocontodo, unschuldslamm, urbanbohemian, uroburo, useless_man, usrbingeek, UstreamTV, uxama, uzulla, vaginasaur, vajra, valdzone, valeehill, valeriecelia, valuz, vanwilder, veadar, Veeyawn, verfall, vergil66, vern, vfranklyn, victor_bibies, victoria0918, vinceleste, vinuthomas, Virany, visionary_kaede, vitaminjeff, vivalalesley, vivevans, vivian1986, vonkinder, VoQn, Vorak, vrtnieuwsnet, vt8601a, VTWthrGrl, vveerrgg, waajeed3, wahlee, wakatono, WakingBeauty, Wallaceh, wam3, wanderingdj, wanderinggypsy, wanderingone, Warlach, wearingcostumes, Webkarma, weboo, webwench, weesimon, wella, whatsername, white_devil, whitespring, whitz, whoorlito, whurley, whyny, wickedlibrarian, WickedStepmom, Widescreen, Wiggly_Lisa, wiji, wilalambre, wildercat, Will_Scott, willmuto, willrix, willwade, wilsond, windynorkan, WineNight, Wingman_0221, wingnut79, winston_76, WiredPig, wisequark, wishful, with_mint, wizard04, wjhicks, wmarcy, WolfenM, wolfmank, WonderfulLove7, Wondermonkey2k, Wopalockapino, wqbloodsky, WR276, WuddaWaste, wulf_eh, www3408009000it, wxaustin, wxbrighton, wxchicago, wxlondon, wxroma, wxsf, wyctim, wyinoue, wyldeMann, xamlooc, XcoRpi, xeetv, xeruno, xlotusx, Xoconostle, xoder, xpavlovx, xpunkx, xuanprada, xxdesmus, y_keiko, y05k, y4n0, YackLau, yadgana, YahairaRD, yamakazz, yamakozawa, Yaraher, yaraicho, yasakani, yaskun, yasnoo, yatz, yay4pie, YCHRO3, yd_niku, ydubel, yehwan, yenjan, yetiover, YiPing, ykhalif22, ylynfatt, Yme, YNE, Yo320, YoGeek, yohshee, yoill, yonki_y_bollera, yosioka, you27, youNEWB, youngblood, ysano, ysk_type2, ysmkwa, ytesaki, yto, yuichi_komi, yuichi179cm, yuichy, yukarins, yukiikyuta, yukimam, Yukitaka, yukoinosaka, yukotan, yuma, yumori, yupppi, yuri00x, yvette, Yxes, yzfdude1, Zakkk, zaxer, zeiss, zemote, zenchaos, ZenonFeicht, zenx, Zero_Armada, zh, zhangbaozz, zhiwhozheyeah, zhizhujing, zianeu, zimmermann, ZinzyG, zlomo, zmei, zolliker, zone41, zoo_on_fire, ztirzo, zukke, zundoko, zuwiki, zxcvdayo
July 16th, 2007 at 4:40 pm
Hello!, why don’t make a lossless version? PNG could be enough
! Thanks!
July 16th, 2007 at 4:49 pm
I’m in there somewhere
July 16th, 2007 at 4:50 pm
I found me twice! (Haven’t looked to see if I’m in there more frequently than that yet…)
July 16th, 2007 at 4:54 pm
I don’t do lossless versions (such as png) because the filesize would be huge (several megs each!). I’m trying to be fair to my readers by keeping the download times short, and be fair to myself by trying to keep the bandwidth usage low.
July 16th, 2007 at 5:11 pm
oh, this is awesome… well done!
I’m thrilled my user photo is part of this great homage to one of my favorite classic movies!
July 16th, 2007 at 5:14 pm
I am somewhere in there, thanks, you have an amazing project going here it would not surprise me if you did accumulate the biggest following, however, twitter is now giving themselves as a default when folks sign up.
July 16th, 2007 at 5:33 pm
Very cool! Has anyone figured out a tricky way of finding themselves in these mosaics? I am supposedly in the last two but can’t find myself!
July 16th, 2007 at 5:37 pm
Wow! Very cool to be part of one of your amazing projects. Thanks!
July 16th, 2007 at 5:44 pm
I found myself twice
July 16th, 2007 at 7:23 pm
I found myself in this mosaic (twice). I had trouble finding “me” in previous mosaics. Cool stuff
July 16th, 2007 at 9:00 pm
Cooools! Found my pretty face at least twice. Love our mosaics.
July 17th, 2007 at 3:15 am
Wow, I am in there, upper left hand corner
July 17th, 2007 at 4:52 am
Feels great to be included. Haha
July 17th, 2007 at 10:41 am
hahaha i found myself almost immediately…creepy.
July 17th, 2007 at 10:44 am
how can i look at my mosaic?!
July 17th, 2007 at 12:52 pm
Found me! Are the avatars listed alphabetically on the mosaic? I worked on the basis that they were, and that got to my mine pretty easily. Maybe just coincidence, I guess.
Anyhow, this is a fascinating project you’re doing - I like it.
July 17th, 2007 at 2:42 pm
I’m on a mosaic! Yay! So awesome. I’m in the bottom right-hand corner twice (at least).
July 17th, 2007 at 8:51 pm
way cool
July 18th, 2007 at 5:51 pm
Wow I’m in there.
July 26th, 2007 at 1:59 pm
OK, I’m supposed to be there, but for the life of me, I can’t find me…
August 8th, 2007 at 6:50 pm
Yeah! Soylent Green, bitches!
March 19th, 2008 at 10:13 pm
sweet site thx
March 19th, 2008 at 11:02 pm
interesting site man
March 28th, 2008 at 1:55 am
December 17th, 2008 at 1:41 am
yahoo yahoo