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So, the other day I was introduced to by This Week in Tech. I thought it was a pretty cool idea, and how fascinating it was the people would want to publish what they are doing every second of the day. I am not so inclined to have people peering into my life with that fine granularity, but I am a programmer and was intrigued by the technology. Next thing I found was the Twitter API which lets programmers interact with Twitter data. How cool! After seeing Twittervision I decided to think of a project of my own.

I came up with Realtime Twitter Mosaic Quilt and started watching the updates flow by. It was neat to watch users’ icons be put together in a big patch-work type image. I wondered if they would ever look like pixels in a bigger pictures if they were grouped together in just the right way…

Then it hit me…

What would happen if I could create a photomosaic out of all of these icons? Thus TwitterMosaic was born.

I changed the code of my program to save each users’ icon in a directory. Pretty soon I had a catalog of over 17,000+ unique icons to use for the mosaics.

Here’s an example:

Step 1: Choose a photo. Here’s a nice pic of me with my saxophone on the beach. Step 2: Create the mosaic. I used settings that minimized the number of repeated tiles to use as many different icons as possible.
Original TwitterMosaic1
Click to enlarge Click to enlarge

Here is a closeup of a section of the full mosaic. In case you can’t tell, it is the saxophone.

TwitterMosaic1 Closeup

So anyway, this seems like an interesting project.  In future mosaics I will be able to list all of the usernames that appear in the mosaic.  Please note that I only use icons of users that are listed on the public timeline.

If you have ideas for great pictures that you would like to see mosaic’d, please put a link in the comments.  I might just do it!

Posted by twitter_mosaic, filed under Mosaics. Date: June 8, 2007, 5:19 pm | Traceback|

6 Responses

  1. Yesternow » Using Twitter to Create Art Says:

    […] Twitter Mosaic first learned of Twitter from the podcast This Week in Tech. He (or is it she?) thought it was a cool idea and, being a programmer, was intrigued by the technology. You can read how he, or she, got started here. […]

  2. BlogSchmog | Blog Archive » Art a'Twitter Says:

    […] Twitter created a tool to turn 20,000 user profile photos into the building blocks of art. Almost overnight, he turned his new account into a friend haven, going from a request for 20 friends on June 11 to […]

  3. Goof Off: Twitter Magic (or Mosaics) Says:

    […] and basically, he creates pretty pictures out of his Twitter followers’ icons. Read his introductory post on TwitterMosaics. You can be part of his TwitterMosaics by adding him as a friend on Twitter. The […]

  4. Miscellaneous but Useful Twitter Tools | Kelly's MyQute Fairy-Angel Lifestreaming Bloggie Says:

    […] TwitterMosaic takes Twitter members’ icons to create a picture you use. If you have time to spare, this is a pretty good way to discover twitter members by the icons they use. […]

  5. Sergey Says:

    Действительно интересный блог. Автор, не желаете ли его продать? Свяжитесь со мной - 7812один. Сергей.

  6. Sterlimastiv Says:

    Привет. Возникла проблема - прикупил я электродрель на магазин ру
    А она сломалась у меня в тот ведь день - гарантии никакой не дали. Просто почта пришла с коробкой, а там все на китайском. Прописал в торговый центр этот, ответили, что обращайтесь в сервис центр, хотя у меня ни документов на руках нет, ничего. Как можно приструнить этот онлайн магазин? Есть ли какие-то компетентные органы, что писать. Куда писать, кому писать. Ошибся, да, нужно было в магазине нормальном купить, но необходимой мне модели просто не было, да и дешевле в интернет-магазине. А вот и уже сижу у разбитого корыта. Подскажите, что делать.

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